Anthony Ceccacci

During the last four years I have established a solid foundation on how to work and serve our community. I want to continue to use the following fundamental pillars to build upon, and continue to provide a strong presence with an action orientated approach.

Approachable and Accessible

As your elected official I understand the need to be attentive to your concerns. It is extremely important to me that I strive to be available to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, hear your perspectives and understand your requests and what is important to you. I understand that policy and meetings are extremely important but not any more then important than being available by phone or email and working diligently on a prompt response. Communication is key to being successful and I will continue to be present and approachable in the community. If an issue is important to you, I make it my goal to be important to me.

Creative/Critical Thinker

Bringing a common-sense approach to the position is of great importance and at times thinking fast and on the fly is necessary. All decisions made come with long term consequences and we can not solve legacy problems with the same thinking. At times making the easy decision now can make the future much more difficult, having the ability to work with administration to forecast outcomes is important! Thinking outside the box and being creative is an asset I bring and will continue to bring to work for you. When making difficult decisions, I understand there may be criticism but it is essential to do whatever is best for our community!

Team Orientated Approach

No direction and decision can be accomplished by yourself. I understand that in this role, we must build and establish good working relationships with the Mayor, Council and staff. Having a respectful relationship is healthy and advocation for the community works better with numbers. I have shown the ability to challenge administration and do so respectfully. Being a detailed orientated effective team player is an important character. Healthy debates and being openminded only allows for better decision making. More can be achieved together then apart.

Effort and Hard work

Monday night meetings and the budget process comes with substantial work, and I will continue to put that work in. Although meetings seem like only several hours It takes hours of work to prepare for them. Understanding the reports and budget implications, requires extensive reading, research and back ground information – simply attending a meeting is only the beginning. I will continue to be prepared, ask the hard questions and have the difficult discussions. If I do not understand, I will work to make sure I do! Homework, handwork and determination will continue to be a part of who I am while I am representing you!